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Team Selection: Manager Selection or Self-Selection?

Team Selection: Manager Selection or Self-Selection?

CIO : We went live with our North Pole website last week so total 60 people from Teams Alfa , Tiger and Life Gate are available to start on new Product “Land of Earth”.Adam is product owner for the product, go ahead and initiate project.

Response 1: Manager Selection

Wow that’s a great news, I know all these RESOURCES very well, I also know their Skills, weakness and strength. So I will create teams based on UI, Design, Back-end, BA, Tester and architecture. This will allow us to utilize every resource in best way, moreover this will give better control to us.

I will work with Adam(PO) and come up with reliable plan for Scope, Timeline and Budget in next 4-5 weeks. Once plan is approved by all stakeholder, I will ask BAs to start requirement phase and getting the requirement signed off by business stakeholders. By doing so we can surprise the customer to deliver totally new and big product in big bang way.

Response 2: Self Selection

That’s good to know, I will collaborate with these great people and Adam(PO).

Let Adam share high level product vision, road-map and about high level business value we need to deliver in specific window of opportunity to get maximum value from this product.

Once all understand high level product vision, I will ask them to self-organize in small, cross functional teams themselves. Yes I will request senior team members to shed light on technology which will be used so everyone can understand that each team should have required skills to deliver integrated Product Increment every Sprint.

Once team self- organized, Product owner along with Development teams prepare a product backlog by working with stakeholders, team will start delivering working product of high value every Sprint, which will give us better insight about product requirement as customer see the product and provide feedback. This will allow us to respond to new market opportunity in acceptable time frame in cost-effective way.

What is difference in above approaches?

First approach- Manager Selection:

Manger work with command and control, treating people as RESOURCES and thinking in advance he know better than people who will actually do the work.

In this case:

Will the team be committed and take responsibility to deliver the right outcome?

Wouldn’t this will lead to wait, hands-off and phased approach?

Will teams be able to deliver the integrated quality working product as each team is working on components?

Second approach: Self-Selection:

People select themselves, with whom they will work and how they will work within given high level boundary and purpose.

Team would build trust quickly and be happy to work together with each-other. Bond of trust and happiness would help them being vulnerable and help team resolve their own conflicts, commitments to quality work, holding each other accountable to focus on Done integrated product every Sprint to deliver high value.

Remember: Manager will be still playing a key LEADER role in making sure other also grow as leaders, creating the Agile environment in organization, removing organizational impediments, sharing his wealth of experience with team and always being a torch barrier for Business Agility across organization where Scrum can flourish to deliver high value outcome.  

Closing: Team formed by command and control can be group of individuals but will have tough time to behave as team and will take longer time for team building i.e. developing trust, conflict resolution, making commitment, accountability to focus on result. Team will always be dependent on manager for their process and any major decision.

Team formed by self-selection will show more trust, commitment and accountability to build a product, which customer love. Team will take ownership of process as team is forming their own process and will take decision in best possible way to achieve the assigned purpose.

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